About us

Based in Stockholm, Sweden Taiko brings Japanese Taiko drumming to life through performances and workshops. We blend Taiko with flute, songs, and dance, enriching our performances with Japanese art forms. 

Our workshops  share Taiko's this vibrant culture - Simple in form, profound in experience.Sweden Taiko embodies the spirit of traditional Japanese music.

" Taiko is not just a drum - it an instrument to create art and culture. Sweden Taiko honors Japanese traditions and our esteemed teachers while crafting our unique artistic expression. "

Andrew Hickman

Leader of Sweden Taiko

Maki Kobayashi


Vice Leader of Sweden Taiko

Norton Craas


Former Leader & Founder of Sweden Taiko

Andrew Hickman


Ryo Shiobara

Guest Teacher - Based in Iida, Nagano. Former player at Dengakuza. 

Kumiko Suzuki

Guest Teacher - Professional Taiko player from Kawaguhi, Japan. Based in London. 

Yasukazu Kano

Guest Teacher - Based in Sado, Japan. Shinobué flutemaster and former Kodo master drummer.

History of Sweden Taiko

The Stockholm Taiko Club began in Sweden 1991. This was a result of a series of performances and workshops given by pioneers  Iwakichi Yamashita and Noriko Hashimoto from Kyoto. After many years of playing and study Andrew Hickman  continued to grow the Swedish taiko family tree and in 2014  Sweden Taiko was born.
At Sweden Taiko we have many friends in Japan and we have been inspired by the rich tradition of japanese taiko music. This music, which flows from the hearts of people who play together  passionately at local festivals all over the Japan.   Communities of fishing people, gatherings of farmers, foresters, weavers, or iron workers. Groups of working people whose ancient rythms and songs celebrate and continue to reflect the natural spirit of taiko in modern day Japan. 

Taiko drums are indeed both simple and profound. 

Sweden Taiko has developed a varied concert program (check out our performance page) and we also arrange workshops for beginners and intermediate  students. Sweden Taiko is proud to collaborate with our japanese international taiko masters whom we visit in Japan and who visit us here in Sweden.  Japanese Taiko is an ancient tradition but also modern.
                                                                                                                                         Andrew Hickman